Saturday, May 8, 2010


The more and more I stare at Elijah's 3D pictures taken yesterday, the more I see my son Paighton. The moment Elijah's face was put up on that big screen, I felt like I had time warped backwards; 20 months backwards.

The look-a-like brothers.

Paighton would be a good big brother. He loves babies. He tries to cuddle with them, gives them hugs and kisses and says "oh da baby baby baby". He makes sure they are okay when he knows they are sad even. I hope he gets the chance to meet Elijah here on Earth before Elijah leaves us. I want to see my son kiss his baby brother just once.

I was going through some of Paighton's pictures when he was younger. I am amazed that I found some pictures that are almost exactly alike in comparison to the pictures of Elijah that I posted last night.

I think this picture looks like the first photo in line of Elijah...

This one looks a lot like the second one...
This one looks like the fourth (I couldn't find one fore the third, kind of an odd pose to match)...

And lastly, this one looks like the fifth picture...

It is strange how fast time passes you by. You don't even notice until you miss it. I miss it.... a lot. Paighton has grown so much is the past 20 months; he will be 2-years old this August. I cannot believe it. I want so much to feel his tiny, sleepy body against mine again. Now he has too many things to do; he is a boy. He wants to wrestle, which is Daddy's job. He will take the occasional time-out, grab his famous blankie, and cuddle in my lap for a minute or two for a quick breather before he is right back at showing his Daddy who's boss. He is so mature, a very good listener, intelligent, loving, apologetic when needed, and just all around my most favorite guy in the world.

I want so badly to know and see if Elijah would have been like Paighton. They look alike, but would they act alike? Would they be best friends? I would like to think so. Paighton would look out for him and love him as much as my husband and I love both of them; unconditionally.

I love my children, born and unborn the same. Mommy's little look-a-likes...