Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Potty Training

We have entered into the world of potty training! Well, it has been awhile, but never seemed to stick. I think we might be getting somewhere this time. Luckily, our daycare provider wants my son to be out of diapers just as much as I do!

The one thing I am having a hard time figuring out is, why is it that he will stay dry all day at daycare, no accidents, until he gets home? He seems to fight me in everything. He wants to sit on the potty but not pull his underwear down? Or he just wants to play in the sink. He likes to drink water out of the cap belonging to his tube of toothpaste. I am very overwhelmed with how to keep his routine going easily back at home. What a lil' stinker he is being.

He has yet to do #2 though. He seems very interested in how the body works. We talked about what happens to our food when we eat it. Now, when we have dinner, he reminds me what is going to happen to the food he is putting into his mouth. It is always good to seize learning opportunities, however, I really dont want a biology lesson at each meal.

Regardless, it makes me laugh. And that is what counts!

Another funny thing Paighton has been doing to cheer me up is singing "I am a little tea pot". We dance to the words and wiggle our bodies together. He makes me laugh. I feel so proud of him for repsonding to the queues in the song; he puts his "handle" up and sticks out his "spout" just at the right time.

I really wish Elijah could be here to join in all of our fun. I bet Paighton would be singing away his little heart and teaching Elijah all about the potty.

If Elijah were here today, he would be 16 months old.