Sunday, June 27, 2010


Why? Why does life have to get yet that much harder when it is already hard enough?

I looked forward all weekend to a fun scrap booking day with my girlfriends today. I was sad most of the time as I stared blankly through pictures of Elijah. I got three pages done. I had fun... but was sad on the inside.

I felt miserable for the rest of the night. I ended up going to my mom's house for some motherly comfort.

When I got home, I felt much better and knew tomorrow will be a better day. I was wrong.

My husband told me my dad messaged him to let him know that my Grandmother is in the hospital. She had an aneurysm rupture and barely made it. She has lost over five liters of blood. She had surgery and will need to be sedated for the next 72 hours to prevent any pressure within her body.

Not only did an aneurysm rupture, but the doctors founds more aneurysms, many more. Just sitting there, waiting to take my Grandmother away from me.

How am I to deal with healing from the loss of my son, and now my Grandmother? I cant take any more loss, no more heartache. I need it to stop. I need the people I love most in my life right now to be with me. I love my Grandma, I love my Elijah too.

I really hope that my sweet Angel baby is up there in Heaven, telling God just how much I need my Grandma to stay here with us right now. I hope Elijah is her own personal Guardian Angel.

Life is so unfair. Why?