Monday, May 10, 2010

Infant times again.

My poor little baby boy is sick. I am not sure what he has, but he came down with a fever Sunday afternoon, after his nap. We gave him some Tylenol and that seems to help a little bit. He was given some Motrin right before bed that night.

Well, this morning, he woke up looking horrible. He was heating up really bad, and was super cranky. Oh, my poor baby. All I wanted to do was cuddle him and make him feel all better. I had to go to work...

My husband stayed home with him, and throughout the day, I got phone calls from Paighton himself. He gave Mommy updates on how he was feeling. He had taken three naps; he usually takes one big one. Tired little guy.

When I got home, he greeted me with intense enthusiasm. He was so hyper, I almost forgot he was sick. He didn't really eat much for dinner; kind of played with it instead. After dinner, he started to slow down.

He stood on the couch next to where I was sitting, and let out a little whimper pointing to my lap. Now for those who don't know my son very well, he is not one to cuddle. He is very independent, on the go go go. He doesn't like to sit for very long. If you ask for a hug or kiss, it will be a quick one. He is getting more and more cuddlier as he gets older, but slowly.

I asked him if he wanted to cuddle and he shook his head "yes". I jumped at the opportunity, not wanting to miss a second. I grabbed him and laid his across my tummy and chest. My heart started to melt. I was in a lot of pain, with his weight pushing down on my already sore abdomen and full bladder, but I didn't care. The pain was worth every minute of it. It lasted about forty-five minutes. Forty-five minutes of Heaven.

As he laid there, I struggled through each contraction; harder to breathe with each one. But my baby boy needed me, he needed his Mommy. I hummed a tune my mother use to hum to me when I was younger; a sweet low and slow tune of only three syllables. As I hummed, I slowly rubbed his back with my hand. He fought to keep his eyes open.

He started to snore a little, but that didn't last long. I could then hear him swallowing hard over and over. I wish he could just tell Mommy how he is feeling.

I felt as if he were an infant again. Not being able to move on his own, with his head laid on my chest listening to my heart beat. He would let out a sigh, like a sigh or relief every now and then. I was in a state of utopia; paradise. This is the best feeling in the whole world. I do not want my son to be sick, ever. But when he is, he gets very cuddly, needy; infantile. I love it.

I am sad and proud when I see my son reaching his milestones and becoming a big boy. During times like this, I feel like no matter what he will always be Mommy's little baby. My baby will always need me. Even when he is in his adult years, I think he will need me. No matter what, I will always be there for him to care for him. Hopefully his wife doesn't mind of an overbearing and spoiling In-Law! I don't think I would even be able to help not too if I tried.

This picture was taken tonight, during Mommy's much needed cuddle time.

I love my son so much...

Good night little one...