Friday, December 13, 2013

My Rainbow

In the community of grieving parents, there is this term many refer to as Rainbow Baby. Its essentially like this: there is always a rainbow after a storm.

I have heard and seen first hand so many mothers losing their babies through miscarriage, stillbirth, and infant loss. It is so heart breaking listening to their stories each time. It never gets easier. I always feel the lump in my throat and the knife in my heart. It's just awful.

But then they tell me about their Rainbow Baby. A pregnancy that made it. A baby that was born...and lived. These Rainbow Babies do not at all replace the one previously; nor does it make that story any more digestible. It doesn't, and never will.

But no matter how crappy your day (or storm) was, you can always smile at a rainbow.

I now have my Rainbow Baby. And he is so wonderful. Even more than I could ever have imagined. Holding him and breathing him in is to intoxicating. He calms my storm every time.

I introduce to you my third son; Theodore "Theo" Robert (named after my father - Robert). He weighed in at 7 pounds 7 ounces and 20 1/4 inches long.


He was by far the easiest delivery in comparison to my first son Paighton (physically) and my second son Elijah (emotionally and physically). I'd have 10 Theos before any 1 Paightons. If I had a choice of course!

Now, fast forward three months! He has doubled his birth weight and is the happiest baby with lots to say! He has the cutest "shy" smile as if he is blushing from compliments.

I love how these boys have transformed my life. They bring so much joy to my heart. No matter what the day brings me, seeing them smile at me and needing me takes all my woes away. I just might need them more than they need me...

I love my boys!