Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Formal Results...

Maybe I was feeling a little too 'safe'; a little cocky about Elijah's future. I was hoping, and thinking that he just HAD to be mosaic triploidy...

Tonight's post is going to be short... I mean really short...

The formal results are in from the amnio test. FULL triploidy is confirmed...

The geneticist said in her 32 years of experience, she has never been wrong about her amnio test results...

I can't even cry if I wanted to...

Thanks God.... thanks a lot...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

God has spoken once, twice have I heard this: that power belongs to God.
— Psalm 62:11

I believe that prayer—simply talking to God and listening to Him speak to us—is one of the greatest powers available in the entire universe. That’s a bold statement, given the other kinds of power that are available today, but I am convinced beyond the slightest doubt that it is true. When we think of nuclear power or atomic power, we think of forces greater than we can imagine. When we think of an automobile or a motorcycle, we realize they have power.

But even the strongest earthly power is nothing compared to God’s power. The power we know in the physical world is natural, but prayer power is spiritual. Prayer releases the power of almighty God into our daily lives and the power of prayer connects us to the power of God—and that is why it is a greater force than anything else.

The power of prayer can move the hand of God. God can change an individual heart, free a person from bondage and torment, overturn disappointments and devastations, break the power of an addiction, or heal a person’s emotions. God’s power can restore a marriage, impart a sense of value and purpose, bring peace and joy, grant wisdom, and work miracles. And the awesome, tremendous power of God—the greatest power in the universe—is released in our lives through simple, believing prayer.